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The life of a person is decided by his thoughts

The life of a person is decided by his thoughts

This is my first post I hope you like it because it takes time.

As the title says: the life of the human being is equal to the products of his thoughts. The truth is that this covers a lot in everything.

Thought and Character

The human being is literally what he thinks: If you think you're a geek, you're a geek. If you think you're shy, you're shy. Now if you believe someone is sure of yourself, You are. That you can be with the girl that you want (It is not that you take the bride to someone), You can have it.

His character is the sum of all his thoughts. Just as every plant sprouts from its seed, and could not be otherwise, our actions sprout from the invisible seeds of our thoughts. Thus we forge our destiny by virtue of the thoughts we choose and keep in our mind.

Examples of thinking

In Summary: the personality or way of being of the person is forged thanks to the thoughts of that person. An example of Einstein, although everyone believed him crazy and he was a gifted being was always analyzing things, drawing formulas, that was what he liked, that was the great scientist who was so by his thoughts forge his destiny.

Another example is that days ago I went through the page of praise of Jack, one of the compliments I saw I do not remember who sent it but said that he was satisfied with half of what jack has .... See where the point is? While that person has those thoughts the truth that will not advance much, what happens that do not understand that if they propose it can be equal to or better than jack, that if, it is nothing more what to propose you have to take risks because everything is achieved with Effort but first of all you have to be optimistic.

The effect of thoughts

Just as a gardener cultivates his garden keeping him free of weeds, planting the fruits he desires, so must the human being: attending to the garden of his mind, cleansing him of harmful and useless thoughts and cultivating the fruits of right thoughts.

If in the garden of your mind do not sow useful seeds and discard the pests will grow weed seeds which will lead us astray.

A person can not directly choose his circumstances, but he can choose his way of thinking and in doing so, indirectly, creates his circumstances. Nature is in charge of allowing each person to experience the results of their dominant thoughts

An example: How do you think Jack has gotten where he is? How do you think he improved writing ?, his blog has improved, written books and achieved what is proposed.

Well simply because it gives everything with desire and has a very positive mind, (So far is what has been seen): "My Will Force will change the world";

The mind

Bone if he raises in his mind that he can change the world if he wants to, because if he can, what happens is that people do not know how powerful the mind is. You have to have willpower because it's not enough to say it, you have to believe in it and you have to do it to start.

The person can achieve what he wants, he must focus his mind on it and life will guide him and forge his destiny, he will change his way of being; The person changes or improves when he really proposes it and when he is not conformist and decides to change something or improve it in his life.

The Effect of Thought on the Health of the Body

If you want to perfect your body, be careful what you put in your mind. Health and disease are rooted in our way of thinking. Unhealthy thoughts are expressed through a sick body. Optimistic thoughts produce in the body of vigor and grace.

This if I assure you an example I am, I am a person with very high defenses, I get very sick, the truth that I do not remember the last time I got sick, if I get sick at 2 days I'm healthy, yes, no I will say that I have not been hospitalized, but when I was younger.

What is this based on?

That I believe it, for example: in my house can my brother have flu and for myself to believe that I do not get sick if I want to drink some juice that I'm drinking I ask and says: but I have the flu and I say: no You worry, I do not get sick and then the truth is that I do not get the virus, I do not know if it has to see but my face is clean, there are few times that I get pimples, probably also has to do with thoughts hehe .
Long ago I read an article: The Healing Power of the mind, where it was something related to what I put up, and I said: well rightly I get so sick the truth that always or most of the time I've been happy because something is Sure: when you're sad your defenses go down. I started to discuss it with my mother and she says that where she works there is someone who is very negative, that everything bothers her, she lives arguing with the others, she lives angry most of the time and she misses the work because she is sick and then we said : Well the article in the magazine is right.

The person with the negative mind is sicker

On the contrary, I do not remember the last time I got sick.

He who has no central purpose in his life falls prey to trivial concerns, fears, problems, and self-pity. Doubt and fear are the great enemies of knowledge and he who does not banish them from his mind will be diminished with every step he takes.

You must pose a purpose in this life, dream that it is, that people and the world are changing, how do you think we have come to have so much technology? Well for all the people who dedicated themselves to this and were creating things ... Technology is increasingly advancing.

Do not be a nobody, have purposes in life.

Our way of thinking and achieving success

Before a person can achieve any goal, he must elevate his way of thinking over those thoughts that keep him focused on his survival and his basic needs. The higher your thoughts, the greater your achievements and the longer your successes.

Do not be conformist, look beyond, with effort and determination you get where you want.

Vision and ideals

He who carries in his heart a wonderful vision and a noble ideal, will sooner or later accomplish it. Wanting is power! To dream is to achieve! Cherish your ideals. If you remain faithful to these, they will engender the right conditions and favorable environment to build your world.

Example: Colon carried the vision of another world in his heart, and he discovered it.

Noble dreams are fulfilled, selfish dreams will not be fulfilled.

The serenity

The steady and calm person is always appreciated and respected. It is like a tree that gives a shade that comforts. It does not matter if it rains, it's sunny or what unexpected changes happen to whoever possesses these blessings and will always accept them calmly and serenely.

The Tranquility of the mind is one of the most beautiful jewels of wisdom. It is the result of a patient and prolonged effort in the mastery of itself.


Book: How the human being thinks, so is his life. Author: JAMES ALLEN

James Allen (28 November
1864 to 1912) was a writer
British philosopher known as
His books of inspiration and poetry,
Considered as a pioneer of the
Movement of self-help. his
Known work, "As a
Man Thinks ", has been printed
In mass since its publication in
1903. It has been a source of
Inspiration to the authors of
Motivation and self-help.
Born in Leicester, England, in
A working-class family, Allen was the eldest of two brothers. his
Mother could not read or write, while her father, William, was a
Weaver factory. In 1879, after a fall in the textile trade of the
The central region of England, Allen's father traveled alone to
United to find work and establish a new home for the
family. Two days after his arrival, his father was pronounced dead
In the Hospital of New York, presumably for a case of robbery and
murder. At age fifteen, with the family now facing a
Economic disaster, Allen was forced to drop out of school and
to find a job.
For much of the 1890s Allen worked as
Secretary and clerk in several British industries. In 1893, Allen
He moved to London where he met Lily Louisa Oram, with whom
Then married in 1895. In 1898, Allen found an occupation in the
As a Man Think Philosophy for Life
James Allen


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